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Links to useful files and articles: environmental science

май 20, 2015 | 09:05
Links to useful files and articles:
at Moscow State University
see: main discoveries made: scribd.com/doc/59437439/; evaluations: scribd.com/doc/59841574/; Dr.
S.Ostroumov's MOST CITED English and Russian publications: www.scribd.com/doc/58228788/;
www.famous-scientists.ru/3732/; TEXTS AVAILABLE ONLINE FREE. www.scribd.com/
doc/56081967/; Scholars of those institutions cited the publications (biology, ecology, environment) authored
by S.Ostroumov: www.scribd.com/doc/49756928/; Who cited: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/citationenvironmental-
science-ecology.html ru.scribd.com/doc/86547743; Experience: Dr. S. Ostroumov:
TEACHING, LECTURING EXPERIENCE: Moscow University; State University of N.Y. (SUNY); Univ.
of Maryland; Univ. of Georgia; Columbia Univ.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Universities, institutions of UK,
FRG, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands; GRANTS FROM: Fulbright Foundation; McArthur Foundation;
EERO (European Environmental Research Organization) et al.; INTERNSHIP: at National Science Foundation
(U.S.A.); INVITED SPEAKER at series of conferences; on EDITORIAL BOARDS of professional journals
in 7 countries; CHAIR, ORGANIZING COMMITTEES of 14 international conferences (in RF, U.S.A.,
Denmark, Finland); A conference in the U.S.A. was dedicated to anniversary of his book; HONORARY
TITLE ‘Aquatic Ecologist of Year’; P.L.KAPITSA MEDAL for scientific discovery; Reviewing,
recommendations to committee of State Duma (parliament); to Praesidium of Rus. Acad. of Sci.; MOST
CITED PUBLICATIONS: www.scribd.com/doc/58228788/; Most viewed: www.scribd.com/doc/61435402
papers: scribd.com/doc/63407123 DISCOVERIES:scribd.com/doc/61828106;scribd.com/doc/59437439
institutions worldwide cited:scribd.com/doc/60225505 who cited: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/
citation-environmental-science-ecology.html; ru.scribd.com/doc/86547743; scribd.com/doc/54504932
5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/01/all-continents-except-south-pole-cited.html Evidence of Merit scribd.com/
Leading Researcher at Moscow State University
Leading Scientist, Dr.Sci. at Moscow State University
2000 — Present (15 years)
Skills & Expertise
Life Sciences
Data Analysis
Making scientific presentations
Lecturing on environmental sciences, toxicology,
biology, nanoscience in English
Environmental Science
Aquatic Ecology
Environmental Awareness
Public Speaking
Guide to publications (authored and coauthored by S.A. Ostroumov) and relevant blogs
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
27 views List of some of key publications (ecology, environment, life sciences) with web sites
where the publications or their abstracts are available; A Guide to key publications (authored,
coauthored by S. Ostroumov) and relevant blogs: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/12/36-articlesbibliography-
ecology.html keywords: ecology, environment, biology, water quality, pollution, pollutants,
xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, bioassay, testing, ecotoxicology See the websites:
5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/11/31-publications-life-science-ecology.html ** Selected
#articles #environmental #science #Websites #links #Citation #papers #publications #bibliography
5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/12/selected-articles-environmental-science.html **Key publications
on #innovations in #environmental #science, #ecology and #citation #websites #links on Internet:
5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/12/key-publications-on-innovations-in.html ** MOST CITED
PUBLICATIONS: www.scribd.com/doc/58228788 Most viewed materials: www.scribd.com/doc/61435402
Key papers: scribd.com/doc/63407123 KEY DISCOVERIES:scribd.com/doc/61828106 institutions
worldwide cited S.O.: scribd.com/doc/60225505 World-wide citing Dr. S.O.: scribd.com/doc/54504932
Discoveries: scribd.com/doc/59437439 Evidence of Merit scribd.com/doc/59927430 In Russian,
see below: ## ####### #####. ########, ###############, ###### ############, ###########,
############ ########, ###, ##########, ############ ####, 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/07/blogPage3
post_7002.html 5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/05/blog-post_24.html www.scribd.com/doc/79426304/
5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/06/blog-post_22.html www.scribd.com/ar55/d/97901949 http://
scipeople.ru/users/2943391/ www.scribd.com/doc/46153615 ** # ####### ### (####### ########
####). ########. 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/07/blog-post_26.html ** ## ####### #####. 6 ###.
Biological Effects of Surfactants
CRC Press. Taylor & Francis; ISBN: 9780849325267; ISBN 0849325269;
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
The first BOOK that discovered the ecological HAZARDS FROM SYNTHETIC DETERGENTS, foams,
dispersants, surfactants, washing liquids, shampoos; Diploma of the Academy of Aquatic Sciences.
New biological effects of surfactants and detergents on autotrophic and heterotrophic, prokaryotic and
eukaryotic, freshwater and marine organisms: cyanobacteria, algae, flagellates, seedlings of higher plants
(Fagopyrum, Sinapis, Lepidium, Oryza, etc), invertebrates (mollusks Mytilus, Crassostrea, Unio,
annelids Hirudo). New methods – bioassay, biotesting; chemical pollution, xenobiotics; biosphere,
hydrosphere, water purification, ecosystems, new priorities in environmental protection. Ecology,
limnology, oceanography, environmental sciences, water sciences, geosciences, biosphere, global change,
ecotoxicology, to professors, students, educators; to those involved in environmental management and
assessment, environmental law and regulation; to companies that make dispersants to clean oil spills,
shampoos, laundry detergents, detergents for cars. «I am pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the
scientific leadership of Sergei A. Ostroumov. The book is highly recommended to those who are involved
in studying ecology and solving environmental problems». — Steven C. McCutcheon, Ph.D., University of
Georgia and U.S. E.P.A.; President, American Society of Ecological Engineering. www.scribd.com/
doc/60757545/; www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/2245_; [http://crcpress.com/product/
isbn/9780849325267;jsessionid=ShsQvSwphWQcI1uwtLXcmQ**]; FAQ on the book:scribd.com/
doc/52630072; scribd.com/doc/46270956; www.amazon.com/Biological-Effects-of-Surfactants-ebook/dp/
www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9780849325267; www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/
details/9780849325267; www.docstoc.com/docs/35379742/Biological-Effects-of-Surfactants;
Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water
Hydrobiologia. 2002. vol. 469. P.117-129. 2002
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
full reference to the paper: Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying
eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. — Hydrobiologia. 2002. vol. 469. P.117-129.
8 tables. Bibliogr. 71 refs.: www.scribd.com/doc/52598579; https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZDI4NTcyNWEtMjM2ZS00MmM4LTg1YTYtYTliMTZkZGMxZjgw&sort=name&layout=list&A contribution to better understanding of functioning of ecosystems, especially aquatic ecosystems,
and the key roles of filter-feeders in shaping both the ecosystems and the aquatic medium. New
author's data: discovery of the fact that synthetic surfactants (detergents, and main components of
detergents) inhibit (slow down) the filtration rate of bivalve molluscs when they filter water. Innovative
analysis of how this inhibition lead to serious consequences that are important to eutrophication
and algal blooms. The paper contributes also to the new fundamental theory of biocontrol of
water quality. A linked publication: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current
conceptualizations and concluding remarks // Hydrobiologia. 2002. v. 469 (1-3): P.203-204.
Bibliogr. 8 refs. ISSN 0018-8158 (Print) 1573-5117 (Online): https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoM2QzZDE0MzMtMWYyZi00MjFlLWExNzQtNjdiZDFlZTIzMmM2&sort=name&layout=list&Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations
and concluding remarks
Hydrobiologia. 2002. v. 469 (1-3): P.203-204.
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Full reference: Ostroumov S.A. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to
water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks // Hydrobiologia.
2002. v. 469 (1-3): P.203-204. Bibliogr. 8 refs. ISSN 0018-8158 (Print) 1573-5117
(Online): www.scribd.com/doc/52627327/; https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoM2QzZDE0MzMtMWYyZi00MjFlLWExNzQtNjdiZDFlZTIzMmM2&sort=name&layout=list&A concise presentations of the fundamental elements of the new conceptualization and theory that was
formulated by the author, the theory of water self-purification in aquatic ecosystems, with practical
applications to sustainable management of water resources, to environmental safety of water sources,
and biodiversity protection. The other relevant publications see: www.scribd.com/doc/63407123; http://
www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/5152_TextsOnlineFree; www.scribd.com/
Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions
Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2004. vol. 97 (1). p. 67-78.
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. — Rivista
di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2004. vol. 97 (1). p. 67-78. https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoNGZlM2Y5MDYtODliYS00NzEzLWEzYzUtMDZiNmJlZDA4MWM2&sort=name&layout=some relevant publications: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to
studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification // Hydrobiologia.
2002. vol. 469. P.117-129. 8 tables. Bibliogr. 71 refs.: https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZDI4NTcyNWEtMjM2ZS00MmM4LTg1YTYtYTliMTZkZGMxZjgw&sort=name&layout=---------------------------------------------------------------------Polyfunctional role of
biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations
and concluding remarks // Hydrobiologia. 2002. v. 469 (1-3): P.203-204. Bibliogr.
8 refs. ISSN 0018-8158 (Print) 1573-5117 (Online): https://docs.google.com/leaf?
---------------------------------------------------------------------RivistaBiologia2003.Criteria: https://
id=0B589QnrA6gkoY2E0MjE3YjMtMDc5Mi00Yzc4LTk5YTctMGM5Y2ZiMDVkNTA3&sort=name&layout=Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. Coauthored:Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S.,
Hamilton D., Peterson S., Wetzel R.G.
Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003 (May). 96: 327-332
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S., Hamilton D., Peterson S., Wetzel R.G. Mediumterm
and long-term priorities in ecological studies // Rivista di Biologia /
Biology Forum. 2003 (May). 96: 327-332. https://docs.google.com/leaf?
The paper is coauthored by a team of international scientists from 3 countried, including one of the most
prominent scientists in ecology (especially aquatic ecology), the famous scholar R. Wetzel. The priorities
for future research are carefully selected. The paper may be useful in writing grant proposals and reviews,
and in explaining the importance of the research that you are doing in the area of ecology and environmental
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders
Hydrobiologia. 2005. Vol. 542, No. 1. P. 275 – 286:
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. -
Hydrobiologia. 2005. Vol. 542, No. 1. P. 275 – 286. https://docs.google.com/leaf?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZjE3MTAxN2YtMGUzZC00YTQyLWI3OGItNTlhNmM0OTEwMjg2&sort=name&layout=Review and innovative fundamental analysis of the roles of filter-feeders (suspension feeders) in
aquatic (both freshwater and marine) ecosystems. See also some other relevant publications: http://
www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/5152_TextsOnlineFree; www.scribd.com/
Sites where the full texts or additional information on the papers (ecology, environment, water quality)
are available online free
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Sites where the full texts or additional information on the papers are available online free: http://
www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/5152_TextsOnlineFree; www.scribd.com/
doc/40747774/Papers-available-online-november2-2010; Papers: Criteria for assessing ecological
hazards of man-made impact on biota: seaching for a system: https://docs.google.com/fileview?
— On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems:
Elements of the Theory: DAN2004Eng(DKBL206.pdf: https://docs.google.com/fileview?
— Aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with the
function of water purification: Danbio5_2000v374.E.Bioreactor.pdf: https://docs.google.com/fileview?
— Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in
food webs: Danbio21.00v375n6.E.Inhibit analysis.pdf: https://docs.google.com/fileview?
— New variants of the
definitions of the concepts and terms 'ecosystem' and 'biogeocoenosis':
Danbio22.02v383n4.E.Definitions ecosystem.pdf: https://docs.google.com/fileview?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoYTAxMDRhYmUtMzMzNi00MzhjLWFhNzktYTg5M2IzMzlmNzI4&hl=en; and
many other papers...
The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification
Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286–289
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
This paper is in PubMed. The journal is covered by SpringerLink. A new vision of the role of
biota in stability and self-support of aquatic ecosystem, in ecosystem's services. New reasons for
nature conservation. Full reference: S. A. Ostroumov. The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile
and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. — Doklady Biological Sciences,
Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286–289.[ Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 372, No. 2, 2000,
pp. 279–282]. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10944725): https://docs.google.com/fileview?
ABSTRACT. A new fundamental concept of the role of biota in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems
is proposed. According to that concept, the complex of aquatic organisms (aquatic biota) is a central, labile
and potentially vulnerable component of the water self-purification system in aquatic ecosystems. This
fundamental concept leads to substantial changes in the hierarchy of priorities for protection of biodiversity
and environment. According to the concept suggested in this work, the maximum allowable concentrations
(MACs) for specific substances should be established after taking into account the possible effects of
pollutants on the water self-purification system. Possible effects on many organisms, including filter feeders,
should be taken into consideration. Both inhibiting and stimulating effects of sublethal concentrations of
pollutants are dangerous, because either of them may cause an imbalance in the complicated system of
water self-purification. The fundamental concept suggested in this work heightens the level of priority of
the sublethal effects of pollutants. The sublethal effects leading to changes in the functional activity of
populations of aquatic organisms may cause an imbalance in the system of water self-purification. ---http://
scipeople.ru/users/2943391/; [http://www.springer.com/life+sci/journal/10630]
Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological
Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 385, 2002, pp. 377–379.
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
The paper and journal are covered by PubMed. Important new facts for Environmental Toxicology,
Bioassay of Ecohazards of chemicals, and aquaculture (mariculture) of oysters: S. A. Ostroumov.
Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of
Ecological Remediation. — Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 385, 2002, pp. 377–379. Translated
from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 385, No. 4, 2002, pp. 571–573. https://docs.google.com/fileview?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoM2QwYjhiN2MtYmY3OS00MzRiLWE5YzEtODg5YTllNDA0NzQ2&hl=en ;
The author discovered and characterized a new type of ecological hazard of chemical pollution of water,
which involves inhibition of important processes of ecological remediation of ecosystems (water filtration
by aquatic bivalves). Experiments were performed using mollusks (oysters), Crassostrea gigas Thunberg,
and a cell suspension in water. The cell suspension was a model of suspended matter in aquatic ecosystem.
Laundry detergent Lanza-Automat inhibited water filtration by oysters (Crassostrea gigas). As a result,
the removal of the water-suspended cells from water was inhibited. This demonstrated a new type of
ecological hazard caused by water pollution with chemical pollutants at sublethal concentrations. This
hazard is associated with the fact that chemical pollution of water causes inhibition of the physiological
activity of filter-feeders, thereby inhibiting the important ecological processes of water filtration. These
ecological processes contribute significantly to improving water quality, water purification and the
related remediation of aquatic ecosystems (their ecological repair). — https://docs.google.com/fileview?
scipeople.ru/users/2943391/; www.springer.com/life+sci/journal/10630;
Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: The Role of Feedbacks in Ecosystems
Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 382, 2002, pp. 18–21.
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
The paper and journal are covered by PubMed. The full reference: S. A. Ostroumov.
Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: The Role of Feedbacks in Ecosystems.
— Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 382, 2002, pp. 18–21. Translated from Doklady
Akademii Nauk, Vol. 382, No. 1, 2002, pp. 138–141. https://docs.google.com/fileview?
A new fundamental principle was proved in the paper: to maintain the water quality, it is necessary
to protect the functionally active biodiversity of water ecosystems. In other words, protection
of the functionally active biodiversity of aquatic organisms in a water body is a method (and an
indispensable one) of maintenance of water quality in this ecosystem. Also, the author reports
new experimental data on how detergents inhibited filtration activity of marine bivalves, mussels
Mytilus galloprovincialis, and oysters Crassostrea gigas. https://docs.google.com/fileview?
also see: www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/5152_TextsOnlineFree;
Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on
Limnea stagnalis.
Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 373, 2000, pp. 397–399
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov, M. P. Kolesnikov
The paper and journal are covered (indexed) by PubMed. S. A. Ostroumov, and M. P.
Kolesnikov. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant:
Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. — Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol.
373, 2000, pp. 397–399. [Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 373, No. 2,
2000, pp. 278–280]. Limnea= Lymnea = Lymnaea https://docs.google.com/fileview?
id=0B589QnrA6gkoY2Y5YzYwZWUtMDJlOS00MzZiLWJiYmItN2RkYzljZDFjZjc2&hl=en [at the
author's comp, File Name: Danbio 4] Abstract: a new aspect of the ecological hazard due to environmental
pollution — at a relatively low sublethal concentration of a pollutant – was discovered in this study. The
pellet excretion by the mollusks — gastropods Lymnaea stagnalis — feeding on the phytomass of macrophytes
(such as the aquatic plant Nuphar lutea) was as high as 4–7 mg dry weight per 1 gram wet weight of the
mollusks per 72 h. Pellet sedimentation contribute to vertical transfer of chemical elements in the ecosystem.
The pellet composition depended on the species of the plants eaten by the mollusks. When the gastropods
L. stagnalis feed on N. lutea, the pellets contain, in addition to organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen (N,
2.3–2.9%), phosphorus (P, 0.4–0.5%), and silicon (Si, 1.1–1.9%). The relative silicon content may be 30%
higher than in the food phytomass. The surfactant tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA, 2
mg/L) inhibited the feeding rate of the mollusks and pellet production, their accumulation at the bottom of
microcosms, and the matter transfer connected with this. The data obtained demonstrated a new aspect of the
ecological hazard due to environmental pollution with TDTMA and other quaternary ammonium compounds
at sublethal concentrations. According to the author’s opinion and prediction, other contaminants may also
suppress pellet production, their accumulation at the bottom, and the matter transfer associated with that.
Examples of citations of publications authored by S.A.Ostroumov
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Examples of citations of publications authored by S.A.Ostroumov: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/01/
all-continents-except-south-pole-cited.html 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/01/citation-worldwide-list-ofsome.
html New citations of publications authored by S.Ostroumov, updated. Patricia H. Longstaff, Nicholas
J. Armstrong, Keli Perrin, Whitney May Parker, Matthew A. Hidek. Building Resilient Communities:
A Preliminary Framework for Assessment. — HOMELAND SECURITY AFFAIRS, VOL. VI, NO. 3
( 2010) p. 1-23; [WWW.HSAJ.ORG]; Full text: www.hsaj.org/?fullarticle=6.3.6; cited the paper
by S.Ostroumov on a new, modernized definition of ecosystem: Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol.
383, 2002, pp. 141–143. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 383, No. 4, 2002, pp. 571–573.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2002 by Ostroumov; the full English text: https://docs.google.com/
About the journal 'Homeland Security Affairs': the peer-reviewed online journal of the Naval Postgraduate
School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), providing a forum to propose and debate
strategies, policies, and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security. Marilin Milian
Mosquera, Arais Almaguer Garcia, Angela Parra Perez, Nelida Baez Montes de Oca. Environmental
education activities aimed at the preparation of teachers in training in biology, chemistry career. — Journal
of Education and Development. 2010. Vol. 2, No. 20. Cited the book: A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov.
Nature Conservation. Problems and Prospects. Ed Vneshtorgizdat, 1989. [ Actividades de educacion
ambiental dirigidas a la preparacion del docente en formacion de la carrera biologia- quimica. — Cuadernos
de Educacion y Desarrollo. 2010. Vol 2, No. 20,. Cited the book: A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov.
Conservación de la Naturaleza. Problemas y Perspectivas. Moscú: Ed. Vneshtorgizdat, 1989].
Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT and more than 50 libraries worldwide acquired the books by Dr. S.
O.: Europe, North America, Asia, Australia,Africa
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and other libraries worldwide which acquired the books by Dr. S. O.: Europe,
North America, Asia, Australia,Africa: USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Japan, China, Korea, Belgium,
CzechRepublic, Germany,Denmark, Iceland, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Serbia, Turkey,
Australia, NewZealand, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa: www.scribd.com/doc/77617474/;
Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification
— Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761. 2010
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Innovative analysis of ecosystem function. A new theory of how ecosystem improve water quality, of
ecological mechanisms of control of water quality, water purification. Ostroumov S. A. Biocontrol of water
quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. — Russian Journal of General Chemistry,
2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761. 5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/biocontrol-of-water-quality.html
Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes
Hydrobiologia, Vol. 556, No.1. P. 381 – 386. 2006
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov, J. Widdows
New facts: discovery of the new effects: all three main kinds of synthetic detergent (surfactant) chemicals
slow down the filtration of water by marine organisms (bivalve mollusks, marine mussels of the Atlantic
Ocean). As a result, now we see new environmental hazards from water pollution by all types of detergents,
shampoos, all types of chemicals that produce foam and bubbles in water. This is a discovery of new hazards
to aquaculture and marine life.
Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves
Hydrobiologia. 2003. Vol. 500. P.341-344 2003
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms (bivalve mussels, oysters
and others) including effects of synthetic surfactants TDTMA and SDS on oysters Crassostrea gigas
Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic
ecosystems: towards a holistic view
— Rivista di Biologia. 1998; 91(2):221-232. 1998
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
It is the first paper in which a synthesis of the author's new experimental data and international literature was
made, which led to a new analysis the role of biological filtering in improving water quality, self-purification
and self-bioremediation of aquatic ecosystems. PMID: 9857844; PubMed – indexed; www.scribd.com/
doc/42830557; www.citeulike.org/user/ATP/article/9750710;
Citation. Environmental science, ecology. Who cited Fulbright Award recipient S. A. Ostroumov [Sergei
Andreevich Ostroumov], Moscow University
online 2013
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Citation. Environmental science, ecology. 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/citation-environmentalscience-
ecology.html; They cited works authored by Dr. S. Ostroumov, Fulbright Award recipient. [full
name: Sergei Andreevich Ostroumov], Moscow University. Who cited in U.S.A., U.K., Russia, Canada,
Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, China, India; additions 18.9.2013:
5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/citation-environmental-science-ecology.html ru.scribd.com/
doc/86547743; **
Innovation Aspects of Biogeochemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences 2012
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov, V.V.Ermakov, et al.
book; in the part of the book written by Sergei Ostroumov, some new experiments are described whish led
to a discovery of a new type of substances in the environment. This new type of substances does not belong
to the alive matter (living matter); this type of substances does not belong to the non-alive matter. These
substances form an additional third type of the matter in the environment and in the biosphere.
120 full texts of articles on environmental science, water quality, ecotoxicology, nanotoxicology, biology.
May 2015
online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
120 Full-text environment science publications available online free, in English, in Russian. 42-
page list. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276279490; https://www.researchgate.net/
Available on ResearchGate: click the titles. Updated on May 15, 2015. Results of research at Moscow State
University. Co-authored: researchers from U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Russia. Tags: ecology, environmental
safety, environmental toxicology, water, aquatic, ecotoxicology, self-purification, bioassay, hazard
assessment, filter-feeders, phytotest, nanotoxicology, non-animal, water quality, water self-purification
[more] Ecology × Environmental safety × Environmental Toxicology × aquatic × Ecotoxicology × Water
× self-purification × filter-feeders × Hazard Assessment × phytotest × non-animal × Nanotoxicology ×
online free × available × Publications ×
########## ####### ###### # #########-##########. ########## ######## ######## # ##########
############ #############: ########### ### ## LYMNAEA STAGNALIS
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
ABSTRACT ##########: # ### ####### ######, ### ###### #######, ########## # ######## #######.
######### ###### # #########: ########## ######## ######## # ########## ############
#############: ########### ### ## LYMNAEA STAGNALIS. ######### #.#., ##########
#.#. (###) ####### ######## ####. 2000. #. 373. # 2. #. 278-280. https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/274714615; 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/04/lymnaea-stagnalis-2000-373-2-278-280.html
###### ## ############# ## #########-########## LYMNAEA STAGNALIS. ######### ######## #
######## ######: ########## — ######### ## #### ############# ######, # ########## ##########
##########; ####### ######## — ####### ############# ########, ####### ########## #########
# ####### ############# ########; ######### — ##### # ###### ######, ####### ########## #
####### ##########; ################# ###### ###### ##########; ############ — ###########,
Lymnaea stagnalis
 LYMNAEA STAGNALIS. Available from: https://
www.researchgate.net/publication/276279540_____-.___________LYMNAEA_STAGNALIS [accessed
May 19, 2015].
6 publications, their citation, according to ResearchGate. Water quality, aquatic, ecology, selfpurification,
ecotoxicology, ecosystems, hazards of water pollution, detergents, surfactants
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276270980__6_publications_and_their_citation; DOI:
10.13140/RG.2.1.1151.8885. 6 publications and their citation, according to ResearchGate.
Water quality, aquatic, ecology, self-purification, ecotoxicology, ecosystems, hazards of
water pollution, detergents, surfactants. Citation in Italy, Russia, China, U.S., Germany,
India, Poland, other countries. • 6 publications and their citation, according to ResearchGate.
Water quality, aquatic, ecology, self-purification, ecotoxicology, ecosystems, hazards of
water pollution, detergents, surfactants. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/276270980__6_publications_and_their_citation_according_to_ResearchGate._Water_quality_aquatic_ecology_ecotoxicology_ecosystems_hazards_of_water_pollution_detergents_surfactants [accessed May
19, 2015].
Recommended at World Catalog, publications: ecology, environmental science, biology
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276269143_Recommended_at_World_Catalog_; Recommended
at World Catalog, publications: ecology, environmental science, biology; Part 1 of the list: this
post [ 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/07/recommended-at-world-catalog.html ] Part 2 of the list:
5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/new-additions-list-of-recommended-top.html Part 3 of the list:
5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/10-recommended-top-papers-part-3-of.html ** Description: This
is the list of really innovative, excellent, outstanding publications on ecology, environmental science,
biology. These publications are ahead of their time. I predict that they will have excellent citation. I
recommend these brilliant and useful publications to my colleagues and students. Privacy: This list is
public and can be seen by everyone also see: PubMed. Environment, ecology, water (author: Moscow
State University). Full texts of the papers of this author-his papers which were indexed at PubMed. The
full texts are available online free. Springer. Web of science The web-sites with the full texts see here:
40 publications on environmental science, ecology, biology. Selected. Recommended at World Catalog,
publications: ecology, environmental science, biology. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
[accessed May 19, 2015].
41 recommended Springer publications, in chronol.order. Environmental science, biology
Online, Springer Press 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
41 Springer publications of Dr S. Ostroumov, in chronol.order. Environm. science, biology https://
Books. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Ecology, Environmental sciences, protection of environment, conservation,
ecotoxicology, environmental safety, with pictures
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
publication/275965296_Books._Sergei_A._Ostroumov._Ecology_Environmental_sciences_protection_of_environment_Books. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Ecology, Environmental sciences, protection of environment,
conservation, ecotoxicology, environmental safety, with pictures; #####: ########,
of-file-books.html previous file: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/05/books-sergeiostroumov.
 ** to
tweet: #books, #environment, #ecology, in #English, in #Russian, www.researchgate.net/
publication/275965296_Books._Sergei_A._Ostroumov._Ecology_Environmental_sciences_protection_of_environment_via @researchgate Books. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Ecology, Environmental sciences, protection of
environment, conservation, ecotoxicology, environmental safety, with pictures. Available from: https://
publication/275965296_Books._Sergei_A._Ostroumov._Ecology_Environmental_sciences_protection_of_environment_[accessed May 19, 2015].
Updated concise summary of scientific results. Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental, water
sciences. With pictures, 11 pages
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Updated concise summary of scientific results. Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental,
water sciences. With pictures, 11 pages Sergei A. Ostroumov co-authors Edit ABSTRACT https://
www.researchgate.net/publication/275954848_Updated_concise_summary; Updated concise summary of
scientific results. Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental, water sciences. With pictures, 11
pages 5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/summary-scientific-results-discoveries.html TAGS: discoveries,
ecology, environmental, INNOVATIONS, safety, SCIENCES, summary, sustainability, publications, water,
books, papers, Abstracts, web-sites and references of 66 publications that contributed to innovations in
environmental sciences, ecology, environmental safety and water sustainability, authored and co-authored
by scientists at Moscow State University, and co-authors (U.S.A., U.K., Germany); with DOI; PubMed;
web pages, links of the full texts of the papers; 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2012/08/63-steps-to-new-ecologyupdated-
to-66.html Updated concise summary of scientific results. Discoveries, innovations in ecology,
environmental, water sciences. With pictures, 11 pages. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/275954848_Updated_concise_summary_of_scientific_results._Discoveries_innovations_in_ecology_environmental_[accessed May 19, 2015].
Oxford University Library. 80 recommended publications, environment, biology.
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275973065_Oxford_University_Library; Oxford University
Library. 80 publications, environment, biology. Updated format: articles, papers, Dr. Sergei Ostroumov,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Key words, Tags: detergents, ecology, ecotoxicology,
environment, environmental toxicology, library, nature conservation, Oxford, Papers, publications,
S.A.Ostroumov, Articles, surfactants, university, water quality, selected; Oxford University Library.
80 publications, environment, biology. Updated. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
[accessed May 20, 2015].
Book: ######-########### ############## # ##### # ###### # ######## #.#.###########.
(S.A.Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
ISBN 9788-5-317-03005-6. (S.A.Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching
on the biosphere by V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow, MAX Press. 2009. 52 p.). The book is in Russian
with English abstract. #.#.#########. ######-########### ############## # ##### # ###### #
######## #.#.###########. ######, 2009, ####-#####. 52 #. ISBN 9788-5-317-03005-6. #########.
######### # ####### # ####### ######## ## ######### # ######## ####. #### #### ######
– ########### # ################# ########## ######, ####### ######### # #### ######.
########## ##### ###### # ############ # ###### 1985-2009 ##. ########### # ########:
1. ########## ######### # ########## # ## #### # ################ ####### #########. 2.
########### ############# # ########### ## ###### ########. 3. ########### ##########
####### ## #########. 4. ########### ############# ## ######### # ######### ###########
##########-############. 5. #### ###### ########## # ##### # ######## ############## #
##############. 6. ############## ########## ############# ####### # ######### ########.
######-########### ############## # ##### # ###### # ######## #.#.###########. (S.A.Ostroumov.
Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by V.I.Vernadsky). Available
from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275887893_-________..._%28S.A.Ostroumov._Chemico-
Biotic_Interactions_and_the_new_in_the_teaching_on_the_biosphere_by_V.I.Vernadsky%29 [accessed May
20, 2015].
# ### ####### ######## ###########, ############ # ###########/ What does the similarity of
mitochondria, chloroplasts and prokaryotes
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
Reference: Priroda, 1973, #3, #.21-29. #. #. #########. # ### ####### ######## ###########,
############ # ########### // #######, 1973, #3, #.21-29. Review paper and analysis of the
large body of facts on structure and function of organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) and
prokaryotic cells (bacteria and cyanobacteria). The result of this analysis is a strong support to the
endosymbiotic theory of the origin and evolution of eukaryotic cell. Cover of this peer-reviewed
journal: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/05/5515-1973-3-21-29.html ########### #### ######.
Citation of this article: ######## ############ ## ###### — 1979 — #####, #######. ###-###
Cited by 20 ######### #### ############# ######### ## #####, ## #######, ## #####… -
###### ## ####### …, 1975 — ######## #### ####. Problema simbiogeneza: Ist.-kritich. ocherk
issled. otech. botanikov LN Khakhina — 1979 — Nauka, Leningr. otd-nie. What does the similarity
of mitochondria, chloroplasts and prokaryotes. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/275336243_What_does_the_similarity_of_mitochondria_chloroplasts_and_prokaryotes [accessed
May 20, 2015].
2015 April, 85 new posts on environmental science.
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275886266_2015_April_85_new_posts; 2015 April,
85 new posts on environmental science innovations, discoveries, steps forward, ecology, water,
Scopus, Springer, ResearchGate, citation, who cited, citation, U.S., in English, in Russian, 11 pages;
5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/05/552015-2015-april-85-new-posts-on.html ** On 30.4.2015,most viewed
posts, Scopus, publicati… 31 Top Springer Publications, DOI, at link.springe… 31 Top Springer Publications
with DOI, link.Spring… 32 Top Publications with DOI (life science, ecolog… Scopus,57articles,20abstracts,
environmental scien… 2015 April, 85 new posts on environmental science. Available from: https://
[accessed May 20, 2015]. Ecology × Water Quality × Ecotoxicology × Environmental Toxicology
Top viewed (all-time) publications, environmental science, aquatic ecology, water quality, water
purification, ecotoxicology, nanotoxicology, biology,
Online 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275794603_Top_viewed. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3124.8801. Top
viewed (all-time) publications, environmental science, aquatic ecology, water quality, water purification,
ecotoxicology, nanotoxicology, biology, ResearchGate, authored by a researcher at Moscow University.
In English. All of these publications are available on ResearchGate, online free. May 4, 2015. DOI:
10.13140/RG.2.1.3124.8801. 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2015/05/452015-top-viewed-all-time-publications.html
2015.05.04. Meist gesehen (all-time) Publikationen, Umweltwissenschaften, Gewässerökologie,
Wasserqualität, Wasserreinigung, Ökotoxikologie, Nanotoxikologie, Biologie, Researchgate; von einem
Forscher an der Universität Moskau verfasst. 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2015/05/452015-top-viewed-all-timepublications.
 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2015/05/452015-top-viewed-all-time-publications.html 2015#5#4###
### 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2015/05/452015-top-viewed-all-time-publications.html Top viewed (all-time)
publications. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275794603_Top_viewed_%28alltime%
29_publications [accessed May 20, 2015].
Publications authored by Lomonosov Moscow State University 2015
Authors: Sergei Ostroumov
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275102861; Published 2011-2014, Environmental sci. 
 Pb, Fe,
Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Ce, Bi, Gd, Ge, Ti, Ludwigia palustris, Myriophyllum
aquaticum, Egeria densa, Gingko biloba, Ceratophyllum demersum, Micranthemum umbrosum, TiO2,
CuO, Al2O3, Lens culinaris, Elodea canadensis, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Utricularia gibba, Vigna radiata,
Ludwigia repens, Micranthemum micranthemoides, ###, ###, #### ########## ### 2011-2014.
##### ## ########## #####, ########, ######### ######## ####, ############# #############,
############# ############, ########. ####### ########## ## ####### # ##########
#####. ######. 12 #######. In Russian, in English. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/275102861___2011-2014._____________._______._._12_ [accessed May 20, 2015].
Honors and Awards
P.L.Kapitza Medal; Medal of 250th Anniversary of Moscow Univ.; Awarded: honorary title, Fellow, EcoEthics
Intern. Union; Certificates: Registration of Author's Rights No. 4791; No. 7199; No. 7203; No. 10097; No.
16094 (State Dept of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine); Contemp. Issues
Fellowship Program; Europ. and Euras. Programs Branch, Office of Academic Exchange Programs, Bureau
of Educat. and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Dept of State (2005, Wash. D.C.); intern. conference 'Case Studies and
Models for Higher Education Reform' (Intern. Research and Exchanges Board, U.S. Dept of State, Carnegie
Corporation of N. Y.). Diplomas: Scientific Discovery No. 274; Nat. Ecol. Award 2004; 1st Intern. Forum
on Conservancy of Nature, signed: Dep. Minister of Natural Resources of Russia, Vice-President, Trade
Chamber of Russia); journal 'Ecology and Life'; competition 'Sust. use of natural resources … '; (signed by the
Minister); Acad. of Aqu. Sci.; MOIP;
biochemical ecology (authored the first book in biochemical ecology, entitled 'Introduction to Biochemical
Ecology'), chemico-biotic interactions (authored the first book on bioassay of detergents, entitled 'Biological
Effects of Surfactants'), the biospheric sciences, etc.
Sergei Ostroumov
at Moscow State University
Contact Sergei on LinkedIn

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